Cara Membuat Survey Gampangg...

           Hallo E-buddy, gimana nih kabarnya??..Pada baik semua kan. Nah jadi kali ini aku bakal ngasih information for you guys tentang Survey. Ada yang tau gak ini apa itu survey? Sebelum kita buat survey, yuk buddy-buddy belajar dulu tentang teori-teori survey. Bisa dipahami dan dicermati ya buddy!


1. Definition of Survey

            The survey is a quantitative study using the same structured questions for everyone, then all the answers obtained by the researcher are recorded, processed and analyzed. Structured questions are called questionnaires. The questionnaire contains questions that will be given to respondents to measure variables, the relationship between existing variables, and can be in the form of experiences and opinions from respondents.

2. Function of Survey

1)      To obtain factors from existing symptoms  

2)      Looking for factual information of a group, region and others.

3)      Do evaluation and comparison to things other people have done in dealing with similar matters. 

3. Expression or explaining/Writing

1)      I like Hot Coffee

            - Yes

            - No

2)      I like Cold Coffee

            - Yes

            - No

3)      I don’t like Coffee Milk


            - No

4)      I don’t like Dalgona Coffee

            - Yes

            - No

4. Types of Survey

1)      Online Survey

        - Online surveys are one of the most popular types of surveys and for good reason. Online surveys are easy to create, disseminate, and gather responses—challenges many other survey types face.

2)      Paper Survey

        - Paper surveys are sometimes looked at as old fashioned, but they do still reach an audience that can’t access many other forms of surveying. Many audiences—like senior citizens or those without internet access—are far more likely to respond or far more comfortable with paper surveys than online surveys.

3)      In-Person Survey

        - While paper and online surveys lack a personal touch, in-person surveys excel at that. With these surveys, interviewers are able to directly interact with a respondent and to ask follow up questions that really delve into the nuances and intricacies of a response.

    Sampai sini sudah jelas belum nih materi tentang survey? Atau mungkin kurang jelas? Okeh aku kasih contoh nih tentang survey. Berikut contoh survey tentang student lho

5. Sample of Survey

Click Here

        The picture above is an example of a survey. The survey above is a sample survey for collecting student feedback. We can see that there are about 11 statements whose answers are strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree.

        Sudah cukup jelas dengan contoh diatas? atau masih bingung? Boleh ini aku kasih contoh lagi buat buddy-buddy. Bisa dipahami lagi yaa..

    6. Writing a Survey     

        The picture above is an example of an image from a survey if using a google form. It can be seen that there are 3 parts, namely Questions, Answers and Settings. The section that I show is a question, in it we can see or compile a survey.

        The picture above is the answer section. It can be seen in the picture above that the survey maker can see the answers to the survey in the form of pie charts, bar charts, and line charts. The results of the survey can also be seen through spreedsheat.

        Apakah sudah cukup paham? Pastinya sudah kan ya buddy. Gampang kan buatnya.  Jadi di akhir ini aku mau kasih survey nih. Surveynya tentang school lessons. Tapi ini buat para pelajar ya khususnya buddy-buddy yang SMK. Buddy-buddy bisa ngisi Link Survey ini ya. I hope kalian semua paham ya dengan materi ini. Cukup dari aku, semoga bermanfaat, annndddd Jika penyampaian informasi aku ini kurang jelas atau mungkin membingungkan bisa kok boleh banget komen untuk kritik dan sarannya....

see you E-buddy!

References :

1.      Definition of Survey

2.      Function of Survey




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