Hallo E-buddy!! Welcome back. Gimana kabar buddy-buddy? I hope all of you happy yaa. Kali ini aku bakal ngasih informasi buat buddy-buddy dirumah tentang Recount Text. Nah ni buddy-buddy yang sering pergi pasti punya pengalaman yang menarik, boleh di tulis ceritanya. Sebelum kita ke praktek, lebih baik pahami teorinya dulu ya buddy-buddy. Dipahami yaa!
1. Definition of Recount Text
Recount text is a type of text in learning English which has the function of retelling events or experiences that occurred in the past.
2. Purpose
This text aims to provide information and/or entertain readers who read this writing.
3. Text Structure
- Orientation : The author is asked to provide an introduction in the form of information about who, where, when the incident or event occurred in the past. In this section, the writer is expected to be able to provide the information needed by the reader to understand the entire text.
- Event : The author can convey or tell the events or events that occurred. Writers are asked to write stories in chronological order.
- Reorientation : The author can write a summary of all the events or incidents that are told. The author can also write comments or personal impressions on events or incidents that have occurred.
4. Expression/sentences
1. Using Simple Past Tense.
The sentence pattern is divided into two, namely there is a verbal sentence with the formula subject + verb 2 + complement and a nominal sentence whose formula is subject + be + complement. Example : Last week, my friends and I went to Jogja.
2. Using Specific Participant.
Something that has a certain object, is not general, and is unique (there is only one). Examples : Istanbul Airport, Borobudur Temple, Muara Angke, Geusan Ulun Museum, etc.
3. Using Personal Participant.
Personal participant will appear in the orientation section as an introduction to the character or characters in the story. Example : I, my group, my friends, my husband, etc.
4. Using Action Verb.
A verb that refers to an action that you do and can be seen by others. These verbs are also known as dynamic verbs. Example : First, we visited Parangtritis beach.
5. Using Linking Verb.
A verb that connects the subject and adverb. Linking verbs are used to provide descriptive information and identify the subject. So, it does not refer to the actions performed by the subject. Be, become, seem, appear, grow. Example : Yesterday, I was busy towards the end of the month and I had to work late.
6. Using Chronological Connection/Sequence Connective.
Conjunctions used to express the order in which events occur. Chronological connectors are useful for stating which activities occurred first and which occurred next. Then, next, in the end, in addition, and etc. Example : We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. Then, we felt hungry, so we went to a restaurant.
7. Using Conjunction.
Part of part of speech that is in charge of connecting two words, phrases, or sentences. And, or, until, although, while, but, and many more. Example : One of my friends warned me that Samyang was very spicy, but I didn’t want to listen to her.
8. Using Adverb.
Adverb. It provides more information or describes in more detail than verbs, adjectives and other words. Extremely, carefully, slowly, and etc. Example : She walked carefully.
9. Using Adverb(ial) Phrase.
Adverb Phrases, alias Phrases whose function is to explain. There are various types of adverbial Phrases, but ones most used in Recount Text are Adverb Phrases of time and Adverb Phrases of place which function to explain the time and place of events. Example : Adverb phrase of time: Camelia found her book in the classroom.
10. Using Time Connectives and Sequence Connective.
A word or phrase that connects parts of words, phrases, clauses or sentences. Example : before, after, then, first, second, third, finally, at last.
5. Types of Recount Text
Recount text has several types of text that you can use to write. Tailored to the purpose of writing itself. The various types of recount text can be seen below:
- Personal Recount is a recount text which serves to tell about the author’s personal experience.
- Factual Recount is recount text which serves to present reports of events that really happened, such as reports of science experiments or police reports.
- Imaginative is a type of recount text that serves to present imaginative stories. Then write down the events or incidents that have occurred.
- Historical is a Recount Text whose content tell historical events.
Nah itu di atas adalah teorinya buddy, apakah sudah cukup paham? Sudah dong pastinya, gak lengkap kalau gak pake contoh. Di bawah ini adalah contoh dari Recount Text. Dicermati dengan baik ya buddys
6. Sample of Recount Text
The example above is a Recount Text entitled A Beautiful Day at Jogja. It can be seen that there are 3 structured structures, namely orientation, events and reorientation.
Gimana buddy-buddy, udah paham dengan sample nya? Setelah kita paham dengan teori plus sample, sekarang mari buat Recount Text kita sendiri. Bisa disimak nih Recount Text punya aku di bawah ini.
7. Writing a Recount Text
Gampang banget ya buddys ya. Jika kesulitan buat Recount Text, buddy-buddy cukup tulis aja cerita pribadi yang berkesan di masa lampau, namun terstruktur. Udah di akhir aja nih buddy-buddy, aku harap kalian paham dengan informasi yang aku kasih kali ini. Aku juga mau mengingatkan kalian, apa pun yang kalian tulis jika mendapatkan referensi dari situs web atau hal semacamnya, jangan lupakan sumber ya buddy. Sekian dari aku byee...
See you E-buddy!!
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