Belajar Menulis Tabel Gak Perlu Ribet

                Hallo E-buddy, gimana nih kabarnya?? Jadi ini adalah pertama kali aku kasih information for you guyss. Informasi ini bakal bermanfaat banget buat buddy-buddy yang kebingungan gimana sih cara buat tabel, bisa dipake buat buddy yang masih sekolah maupun kerja. Mau tau gimana caranya? Yuk! Mari simak penjelasan di bawah ini.

1. Understanding Tables

1)      Definition

A table is an arrangement of data presented in rows and columns, perhaps in a more complex structure. The table contains a variety of information that differs in its type, structure, flexibility, notation, representation, and also its use. Tables are widely used in communication, research, and data analysis.

2)      Function

a.       Provide concise and concise information

b.      Disambiguate the reader

c.       Generate the reader

d.      Explaining the facts

3)      Types of table

a.       A one way table/simple table is a table that contains only one characteristic. The characteristic in this simple table or one way table usually contain frequency, quantity, conten, size, and etc.

b.      Two way table is a type of table that presents a relationship between two characteristic.

c.       Three way table is a type of table that presents a relationship between three characterisic at once.

 Setelah kalian pelajari teorinya, sekarang aku mau kasih contoh tabelnya nih. Bisa dipahami ya buddy!

  2. Sample of Table

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This is a table of Collegee Enrollment 2016 – 2017. We can find the information about :

1.      Student id number, there is a difference in the back number, which starts at ST348-245 to ST348-254.

2.      Last name of the student, there are so many names, for example there are White, Wilson, Thompson, and so on.

3.      Student initials, there are the same student initials namely R. and S

4.      The age of the students, here can be known the age of the youngest students, namely 18 years old and the oldest 37 years.

5.      Study programs that students take, so many learning programs, such as drafting, science, arts, business, and nursing.


        The table figure above is an example of a table. The table belongs to the three-way type of table. Containing the 2016-2017 College Enrollment, this table contains the student id, last name, initials, age, and study program taken. All of those things are interconnected.

        Sudah cukup paham dengan penjelasan beserta contoh di atas? Kalo belum aku kasih lagi, yang satu ini adalah tabel Family Expense A Week. Bisa dicermati ya buddy!!

3. Writing Table

a.       Table 1

        Below is a sample table of family expense


Family Expense A Week

As can be seen, there are 5 items. Number, Expense, Quantity, Price, and Total

Item     1: Item 1 can tell us about number on that item of expense.

            2: Item 2 can tell us about what item are purchased in a week.

            3: Item 3 can tell us about the amount the item purchased.

            4: Item 4 can tell us about the price of the purchased item.

            5: Item 5 can tell us about the total price purchased item.

This table can be used for evaluation of family expense.

        Gimana buddy? Tabel di atas adalah pengeluaran keluargaku selama satu minggu lhoo, buddy-buddy yang dirumah juga bisa kok buat family expense-nya, agar dapat memanage biaya yang akan dikeluarkan.

        Sekarang aku mau kasih satu contoh lagi nih. Jurusan yang aku tekuni saat ini adalah DPIB (Desain Pemodelan dan Informasi Bangunan) jadi aku mau buat tabel tentang anggaran biaya yang perlu dikeluarkan dalam membuat rumah, disini aku menggunakan modal Rp 300.000.000,00

             b.       Table 2

                     Below is about the expense of a house building. That will be built for 4 month.

        The table has 12 types of work, each of which has several types of things done. In total there are about 61 items. We can find Items, Price and Total price of this Table.

        Nah jadi gimana buddy, sudah cukup paham dengan informasi yang aku kasih? Sudah dong pastinya, nggak ribetkan? mulai dari teori hingga contoh sudah aku kasih semua. Buddy-buddy yang masih kebingungan tentang cara membuat tabel, bisa kok tanya-tanya lewat komen. And satu lagi buddy, jika kalian mencari referensi melalui media sosial, media internet or lainnya harus banget disertai sumbernya, kalo ga nanti bakal terlabel plagiat, kan gamau ya. Sekian penjelasan dari aku, semoga bermanfaatt...

see you E-buddy!

References : 

  1.          Definition of Table
  2.          Function and Types of Table




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