Cara Membuat Survey Gampangg...
Hallo E-buddy, gimana nih kabarnya??..Pada baik semua kan. Nah jadi kali ini aku bakal ngasih information for you guys tentang Survey. Ada yang tau gak ini apa itu survey? Sebelum kita buat survey, yuk buddy-buddy belajar dulu tentang teori-teori survey. Bisa dipahami dan dicermati ya buddy! UNDERSTANDING SURVEY 1. Definition of Survey The survey is a quantitative study using the same structured questions for everyone, then all the answers obtained by the researcher are recorded, processed and analyzed. Structured questions are called questionnaires. The questionnaire contains questions that will be given to respondents to measure variables, the relationship between existing variables, and can be in the form of experiences and opinions from respondents. 2. Function of Survey 1) To obtain factors from existing symptoms 2) ...