Hallo E-buddy!! Welcome back. Gimana kabar buddy-buddy? I hope all of you happy yaa. Kali ini aku bakal ngasih informasi buat buddy-buddy dirumah tentang Recount Text. Nah ni buddy-buddy yang sering pergi pasti punya pengalaman yang menarik, boleh di tulis ceritanya. Sebelum kita ke praktek, lebih baik pahami teorinya dulu ya buddy-buddy. Dipahami yaa! UNDERSTANDING RECOUNT TEXT 1. Definition of Recount Text Recount text is a type of text in learning English which has the function of retelling events or experiences that occurred in the past. 2. Purpose This text aims to provide information and/or entertain readers who read this writing. 3. Text Structure Orientation : The author is asked to provide an introduction in the form of information about who, where, when the incident or event occurred in the past. In this section, the writer is expected to be able to provide the information needed by the reader to understand the entire text. Event : The author ...